Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inconvenient Cheese

Oh, pickled cheese,
you aim to please,
but if you could,
don't make me sneeze.

Oh, peppered chips
in queso dips,
right down my shirt
your cheese just drips.

Oh, mustard swiss,
you are not bliss.
You make lunch break
a time to miss.

Oh, old bar joke,
you moldy bloke,
my humor sense
you just now broke......(because the joke is cheese....get it?....)

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Wild Hamster

Somewhere across the Western Sea,
beneath wet tufts of moss,
a wild hamster lies in wait,
his prey: an albatross.

Now you might think that bird too big
for such a little guy,
but wild hamsters know no bounds.
Some even learn to fly.

But albatross, for him, will not
be dinner on this night.
For now comes near a zebra goat
who's looking for a fight.

And oh, such battle would they wage,
that hamster and the goat,
if only they were not divided
by a four-foot moat.

The branch where once the bird did sit
is without bird once more.
The wild hamster sighs then walks
out to the grocery store.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Childhood: A Brief Look Back.

Oh little blade of grass,
you sound like a kazoo.

I've never owned a domino
That was the color blue.

I sometimes miss the simple bliss
Of Velcro on my shoe.

I nearly hurled in kindergarten
The day they made beef stew.