Monday, July 19, 2010


A tale of caution you won't want to miss:
Beware of surroundings when taken by bliss,
Since hard is recovery when you screw up like this:
To smootch someone's nostril when you lean in to kiss...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

In Need of Moisturizer...

Tonight I walk out in the dark.
The air, it lacks the song of lark.
Within my heart, a tiny spark,
But my skin is dry as pine tree bark...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thirteen Below, v2.0

We go to the snow when it's thirteen below...
Why we go when it's so cold, we don't really know.
I fret at the wet squishy feeling I get
When I walk in my socks, 'cause I lost some dumb bet.
Then a fox ate my socks as they dried on the rocks.
And now my poor toes are feeling cold shocks.

Thirteen Below

We go to the snow when it's thirteen below,
And high up above the stars give a show.
The trees and the seas of old leaves dance with glee,
And the peace carries on just as far as I can see.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Haiku Defense

A haiku, good sir,
Is not an easy way out.
It's an art form. K?

No, really, it is.
Seriously. No joking.
I give these much thought.

Take, for example,
These little haikus right here;
One minute to write.

That's a lot of work.
And now I'm very tired.
Good night, fair chipmunk.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dramatic Haiku

Dramatic haiku
Ends with a long ellipsis
Dot dot dot dot dot.

Mischievous Elf

The little elf upon my shelf looked down upon my head.
"What lovely hair the thing has there," the little elf then said.
Then with a leap, without a peep, the elf jumped off the shelf.
And two dents now adorn my brow, the markings of the elf.